7 September 1982

Artistic depiction of the human body

I had been wondering why artists are so interested in depicting the human body. After all, the human body is nothing more than an accidental product of evolutionary history; so there doesn't seem to be any special meaning in it. Everything it is everything it does is a result of some circumstance our semi-human ancestors happened to encounter. Later on in the day – or rather after midnight – I was looking through a book on drawing. It occurred to me that maybe artists have a special insight into the matter; that is to say, they see the object in a way that precludes the above analysis. To go a step further, perhaps the artistic vision of the human body is related to the human-centered sort of scientific analysis referred to as the antropic theory, rather than the above sort of objective science.


Faith said...

The human body is an inspiration to all artists. It's a metaphor of poetic lyrical expression, a symbol of fragility and strength paradoxically... It's just beautiful. :) And how is it like living in Toronto? I am a huge fan of Margaret Atwood, who wrote a book titled "The Blind Assassin" based in Toronto. :D

aidz said...

"accidental product of evolutionary history"

Evolution isn't accidental. It was influenced by the bunch of reasons. By the way, everyting in this world is by it's reason.
And a human is the most complex cration of nature on earth. That's why artist so inspired by this creature. Becose it's perfect from nature side, for this moment of time.

Tracey said...

"accidental product of evolutionary history"

So surely you can see why so many artists take such inspiration and depict the human form - isn't it all the more special and amazing for being merely an 'accident'?